Thursday, October 31, 2019

It's the Law ... or is it Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

It's the Law ... or is it - Essay Example There exist set rules and laws that are useful in curbing the misuse of other people’s work found in the web. The paper will briefly explore copyright laws governing internet information and the penalties for contravening them. There are numerous laws and regulations governing the use of internet information, but the paper will particularly look at copyright laws. In 1998, the then United States president Bill Clinton signed the digital millennium copyright Act (Scott). The act provides guidelines that should be adhered to by the users of the internet when accessing other people’s work that may include, music and intellectual work among others. Further, Scott documents that some of the copyright laws and regulations include: fair use, unauthorized access and copying, file sharing and liability. Let us examine liability. As stipulated in the copyright Act, one is not allowed to produce and distribute unauthorized copies from the internet. In the event that producti on is to be done, consent of the producer is supposed to be sought. Failure to do the same amounts to a breach of the law and the offender is liable for the legal consequences. When the breach occurs, the plaintiff can sue the actual offender or the internet service provider in a court of law. The complainant is also at liberty to seek an injunction from the court (Lesley). The purpose of the injunction is to prevent the offender from continual violation of the copyright rights. Lesley further documents that the copyright holder has the right to seek compensation from the offender in the court in form of monetary or statutory damages. The court of law is charged with the responsibility of establishing the guilt or innocence of the accused. If one is found guilty of violation the copyright act, he or she must take criminal responsibility.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Project Management - Organization and Communication (U5GP) Essay

Project Management - Organization and Communication (U5GP) - Essay Example This school is located in Lawton, Oklahoma; has the wolverine as a mascot; and possesses the following breakdown of students per grade: The above information is significant since the type of uniforms supplied will differ by grade. Although the overall style will remain the same throughout the grades, each grade will have its own unique identifying color in order to allow school officials to quickly differentiate among students. The first goal has already been accomplished, and that was to gather basic information regarding the amount of students to supply uniforms for and grade level of those students, as discussed herein. The second goal will be to speak with school representatives regarding the style and grade level color choices that they can make with regard to the school uniforms. The third goal will be to outline a budget for the school uniforms. Based on that budget, a list of potential suppliers can be drawn up and catalogs of uniform choices presented to school officials. Finally, school officials will be able to choose a supplier from the gathered list based upon their unique needs and the criteria outlined above. According to Mochal (2006, pg. 1), â€Å"Effective communication is a key element of successful project management.† Cornelius and Associates (2008, pg. 1) add that, â€Å"Communication not only keeps everyone up-to-date on the project progress, but also facilitates buy-in and ownership of major project decisions and milestones. To ensure the success of a project much information, including expectations, goals, needs, resources, status reports, budgets and purchase requests, needs to be communicated on a regular basis to all the major stakeholders.† For this particular project, the description in the paragraph above means that each step of the prior discussed goals will need to be communicated with school officials, as

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The National Development Of The Philippines Commerce Essay

The National Development Of The Philippines Commerce Essay Necessity is the mother of invention. In the Philippines, there are many local inventions created by Filipinos that are locally and even globally used for its functionality and its usefulness. In fact, there are numerous inventions patented in the Philippines. According to the Filipino Inventors Society, there are about 3000 patent holders and intellectual property exponents nationwide. Despite this number, there is not much recognition coming from the Filipinos themselves as some of the inventions that are considered useful are not really used commercially in the Philippines. In lieu of this, the Philippine Government has provided laws on promoting and protecting local inventions. Among these laws are the Investors and Invention Incentives Act (RA 7459), Philippine Inventors Incentives Act (RA 3850) and the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines. These laws are created in the belief that there are linkages among the development of science and technology, particularly the technological advancement through inventions, with national economic development. This paper aims to prove if there is a significant implication of local inventions to national development in the context of the Philippines. As well as to analyze the current situation of the local inventions in the Philippines and the concepts to which it revolves such as the laws governing patents and intellectual property. Today local inventors and inventions alike are slowly decreasing due to several problems that they encounter while in the process of inventing. These problems to name a few are; lack of exposure from the media, lack of proper implementation of laws and policies regarding inventors and inventions, the need for more awareness and information regarding patents and the commercialization process. The numerous problems that an inventor encounters are what hinder him from potentially affecting national development and highlighting the innate talents of a Filipino from both the local and foreign market. According to Carmen Peralta, Director of the IPO Information, Documentation and Technology Transfer Bureau, if only given the needed exposure, inventors would be inspired to work harder that would eventually translate to more patents. The short number of patent applications and the much needed lack of support from the media in terms of recognition and endorsement is a reason for immediate action on both the government and the media. The lack of public exposure is what keeps local inventors away from possibly inducing technological change in national development. B. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study will answer the main problem: How can local inventions induce technological change for National Development? In answering the main problem several sub-problems or sub-questions needs to be accounted first. a) What are the current issues regarding local inventions? b) How does the government support local inventions? c) What model is necessary to analyze local inventions, technological change, and national development? C. HYPOTHESIS Local Invention: Ho: Government support does not contribute to the development of local invention H1: Government support contributes to the development of local invention National Development: Ho: Local Inventions has no significant implication to National Development H1: Local Inventions has a significant implication to National Development. D. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK In this paper we used one of the first frameworks in comprehending science and technology which is the Linear model of innovation (Godin, 2006) in compliance with Vernon W. Ruttans study entitled; Usher and Shumpeter on Invention, Innovation and Technological change*1959. In line with the study of Ruttan, he assumed that most of the social scientist follows a certain sequence in which invention, innovation and technological change are ordered in a logical sequence (Ruttan, 1959). InventionÆ’Â   InnovationÆ’Â   Technological Change After generalizing the proper sequence assumed by most social scientist in the past, he then solved the terminological problem between invention, innovation and technological change by synthesizing two prominent studies in linear model of innovation by Usher and Shumpeter. V. W Ruttan insinuated a fusion of A. P. Ushers steps in the invention process (Usher 1954) and Schumpeters concept of innovation (Godin, 2006). Shumpeter distinguishes invention from innovation. Innovation is possible without anything we should identify as invention, and invention does not necessarily induce innovation, but produces of itself no economically relevant effect at all.6 According to Ruttan, Schumpeters definition of innovation is in terms of a change in the form of the production function (Ruttan, 1959). We will now define innovation more rigorously by means of the production function. This function describes the way in which quantity of products varies if quantity of factors vary. If, instead of quantities of factors we vary the form of the function, we have an innovation.7 Ruttan eliminated the distinction between invention and innovation as he discusses Ushers steps in invention process but incorporated the idea of defining innovation by means of production function. This is where the synthesis came about (Ruttan, 1959). The definition of invention by Usher is in terms of new things that require an act of insight going beyond the normal exercise of technical or professional skill (Ruttan, 1959). Inventive acts of insight are unlearned activities that result in new organizations of prior knowledge and experience.6 Such acts of insight frequently emerge in the course of performing acts of skill, though characteristically the act of insight is induced by the conscious perception of an unsatisfactory gap in knowledge or mode of action.7 In the Chapter IV of the revised edition of A History of Mechanical Innovations, Usher was said to discourse on the occurrence of ones inventions in contrast with the performance of acts of skill by the use of cumulative synthesis (Ruttan, 1959). With this discussion, Ruttan concluded that it is more applicable to give the definition of invention as a subsection of innovation and shifting Ushers description of invention to innovation-Indeed, it would be more in line with both popular usage and the terminology of other disciplines to use the term innovation to designate any new thing in the area of science, technology, or art (Ruttan, 1959). The definition of technological change used by students of productivity and technological change is said to have a close similarity with the definition of innovation provided by Shumpeter. Compare, for example, a recent definition by Solow with the above quotation from Schumpeter. (Ruttan, 1959). If Q represents output and K and L represent capital and labor in physical units, then the aggregate production function can be written as: Q = F(K, L; t) the variable t . . . appears in F to allow for technical change. I am using the phrase technical change as a shorthand expression for any kind of a shift in the production function.9 According to Ruttan, the only problem with this definition of technological change is that it does not emphasize the specific process of technological change. Thus a need for a proper analytical definition is a must. After providing a clear distinction between invention, innovation and technological change, Ruttan gave three prominent suggestions in this study namely; first one must not attempt to provide an analytical definition of invention and depict it as a subset of technical innovation which is patentable. Second, the extension of the definition of innovation is needed so much as to cover the entire range of processes by which new things emerge in science, technology, and art. Third, The use of technological change in the functional sense- to designate changes in the coefficients of a function relating inputs to outputs resulting from the practical application of innovations in technology and in economic organization (Ruttan, 1959). In compliance to the study of Ruttan, the linear model of innovation will be use as suggested in Ruttans study. The linear model of innovation starts with basic research, then adds applied research and development, and ends with production and diffusion (Ruttan, 1959): Basic research Æ’Â   Applied research Development Æ’Â   (Production and) Diffusion In function: Innovation = Basic research+Applied research development+Diffusion It has been noted that the source of this linear model has remain indefinable because it has never been documented. Despite its widespread use, there are still many criticisms that surround the theory and even proclaiming it as a dead model. The long survival of the model despite regular criticisms is because of statistics (Godin, 2006). Overall, we will be using the definitions and suggestions provided by Ruttan. We will not provide an analysis on invention. We will use the linear model of innovation for the analysis of innovation as suggested by Ruttan-extend the concept of innovation to cover the entire range of process by which new things emerge. We will use the provided definition of the technological change, by Solow, in Ruttans study in order to analyze invention to national economy. The linear model of innovation in compliance to V.W. Ruttan study of 1958 is a proper framework for this paper. This paper analytically analyzed innovation and technical change of the Philippine local invention as suggested by Ruttan. Also, the simpleness of the linear model can be a proper starting point in analyzing insufficient data availability such as the condition of the Philippine local invention. E. EMPIRICAL FRAMEWORK In this paper we attempt to analyze innovation, as defined in Ruttans 1959 study, and technological change of Philippine local invention in the year 1900-2010. In analyzing innovation we will use the linear model of innovation particularly the one that was defined by Ruttan in his 1959 study. Linear model of innovation X = f(B,A,D) X: Innovation B: Basic research A: Applied research D: Diffusion Empirical framework X= f(D,E,F,G) X: #of local invention D: # of scientist and engineer E: Annual RD expenditures/ government allocated funds F: # of clients/beneficiaries G: # of commercialized local invention In analyzing technological change we will use Solows function for technological change. Solows Technological change function Q = F(K, L; t) Q: Aggregate output K: Capital L: Labor t: Technical change Empirical Framework Q=F(K,L,I; t) Q: GDP K: Invesments L: Labor force I: Local invention t: Technical Change F. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Invention and innovation have proven to be crucial components for the development of modern societies (Marton-Lefà ¨vre, 2003). This study is important therefore in order to analyze the current status of the local inventions in the Philippines and its linkage to national development. Since it has always been based on the presence of necessity that inventions are created, there is always a need and a demand for inventions especially for the less developed countries that are in the process of industrialization. However, this demand for local invention is not quite evident in the Philippine market. This study therefore aims to analyze the current problems that local inventions face and analyze the effectiveness of the innovation system that we have in the Philippines. According to Johnson et al, the history and development of the innovation system concept indicates that it can be useful for analyzing less developed economies (Johnson, Edquist, Lundvall, 2003). This paper therefore, is significant in order for us to become aware of the current situation of the local inventions, its history and development in the Philippines in order to create solutions to its problems. This study is important also for us to know the impact of local inventions to our economy and be able to provide basis on the applicability of the concept that inventions, being the source of technological change, can lead to national development. F. SCOPE AND LIMITATION The study is limited to the local inventions that were given residential patent grants. This is to make sure that the local invention passed the criteria of IPPHIL and WIPO. This means that the local invention complies with the standard definition of invention by these two patent offices. The scope of the study in terms of commercialization process only includes local inventions that were licensed, venture and assigned. These three are the basic ways to commercialize an invention. The analysis of current issues in local inventions will be limited to the data provided by the annual report of TAPI-Technology application and promoting institute, the official government institute that helps local invention to be commercialized. The timeframe of the study is from 2000-2010. This is due to the lack of availability of some datas regarding local inventions. The area of the study is in the Philippine setting. Local inventions created by a Filipino with patent grant. CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE I. CURRENT SITUATION OF LOCAL INVENTION Local inventions comprised only 1.2% of over 8,000 patents granted by the IPO (Intellectual Property Office) of the Philippines over the last six years, indicating the lack of awareness on the value of IP rights (Flores, 2007) Currently there is a lack of patent applications as stated by the IPO by Filipino inventors who wish to patent their inventions, because of lack of awareness on the value of such patent rights, inventors tend to not apply at all. The lack of knowledge of Filipino inventors on such patent rights and exclusive incentives are one of the reasons of the small percentage of patent applications. The number one reason is the level of awareness on the availability of support services being provided by the IPO (Gefty, 2011) In order to solve the current problems of the Philippine local inventors, there have been laws existing to support and encourage the local inventions. One of which is the Republic Act 7459, or the Investors and Invention Incentives Act of the Philippines whose aim is to give priority to invention and its utilization on the countrys productive systems and national life; and to this end provide incentives to investors and protect their exclusive right to their invention, particularly when the invention is beneficial to the people and contributes to national development and progress. Some of its provisions are to give cash rewards amounting up to Php100,000.00 to the chosen outstanding inventors They also give tax incentives and exemptions as well as invention development assistance funds through the Technology Application and Promotion Institute in the amount of at least twelve percent (12%) of the annual operations fund of the Institute from donations, bequests, and other sources, public, private or domestic or foreign, for assisting potential or actual inventors in the initial experiments and prototype development and other invento r-development related activities of invention or innovation. Included in Article 5 of RA 7459 is the Invention Guarantee Fund created by RA no. 3850. A continuing annual appropriation in the amount of not less than Ten Million Pesos (P10, 000,000.00) shall also be provided for this purpose in the annual budget of the Department of Science and Technology. The Fund shall also be used for special financing programs for Filipino inventions pursuant under this Act. This also includes Financial and Loan Assistance from Government Banks of not more than Two-hundred Thousand Pesos (P200, 000.00). These are Loan assistance for the commercial production of an invention, either locally or for export and duly certified by the Filipino Inventors Society and the Screening Committee created under Section 4, shall be extended by government banks: Provided, That said invention meets the criteria that would enhance the economy of the country such as profitability and viability, dollar-earning capacity, and generation of employment opportunities for Filipinos: P rovided, further, That said loan shall be guaranteed by the IGF. II. THE PROCESS OF INVENTION It has been noted that we know in our hearts what an invention is and the idea of invention is said to have assumed a status like that of consciousness or mind, something we can express of but not quite articulate (Arthur, 2005). WIPO provided a definition of invention such as; a new product or process that solves a technical problem. Invention is an example of an intellectual property. Under the intellectual property, there are two categories namely; industrial property and copyright. Invention is categorized under industrial property. An invention must be patented in order to protect ones intellectual property rights. An invention must, in general, fulfil the following conditions to be protected by a patent. Before it can be patented, one invention must abide by the requirements of WIPO such as; It must be of practical use; it must show an element of novelty, meaning some new characteristic that is not part of the body of existing knowledge in its particular technical field and mus t show an inventive step that could not be deduced by a person with average knowledge of the technical field (WIPO, 2000). It has been emphasize that the single most important element of long term growth is the innovative activity (Rosenberg, 2004). This Innovative activity can be in terms of organization or production. Focusing on production, most of us will think about technological progress created by inventions. A handful of readings will indicate how important inventions are to our economy; in most of the developed country have economic indicators relating to technological progress. So much have been said about how important inventions are but only some will tell about how it came about. In the study conducted by Ruttan, he cited a study of Usher; recognizing and agreeing with the statements. In Ushers Chapter IV of the revised edition of A History of Mechanical Innovations, he identifies three general approaches on how invention came about; the transcendentalist, mechanistic process and the cumulative synthesis (Ruttan, 1959). According to Usher the transcendentalists ascribe the occurrence of invention to the occasional inspiration of a genius who from time to time realizes a direct knowledge of indispensable truth through the exercise of intuition. While the Mechanistic process represents a new combination of individual elements that accumulated over time. This process came about due to necessity and that the inventor is just an instrument of the processes. Among the three approaches on how invention came about, Usher believed and agreed with the cumulative synthesis-major inventions materialize through cumulative synthesis of simple inventions, each of which enta ils an individual act of insight. In case of individual invention, four steps were outlined: perception of the problem, setting the stage (the gathering of elements and data needed for the construction of the possible solution), the act of insight (the establishment of the solution to the problem) and critical revision (can be comprehended and working) (Ruttan, 1959). According to Usher, these three approaches are the possible logic behind how inventions are made, but at the same time criticizing the first two approaches and agreeing with the cumulative synthesis. The other way of looking on how invention came about is through a sociological and economical perspective. One author noted that novel technologies are influenced by social needs; they arise from experiences outside the standard domain; they often originated in cultures that reinforce risk; they retort to economic incentives (such as demand or factor price changes); they merge with the accumulation of scientific knowledge; they start better with the interchange of information which is often mediated by networks of colleagues (Arthur, 2005). Overall, the process of invention is compound, lengthy, determined, knowledge generating, boundary-transgressing, and notable for a number of other features (THE LEMELSON-MIT PROGRAM, 2004). Besides looking in the invention process per se, invention will not be around if not because of its creator, the inventor. There are a number of abilities and disposition that can be attributed to the production of invention such as; resourcefulness, resilience, a commitment to practical action, nonconformity, passion for the work, unquenchable optimism and many more. Skills and ability examples: mental flexibility, alertness to practical problems and opportunities, ability to match ones talents with the problem, using a tool kit of effective ways to conceptualize and break down the problems, and self-knowledge helpful in managing ones endeavours and etc (THE LEMELSON-MIT PROGRAM, 2004). After knowing the process of invention and sample skills of inventors, we must recognize the importance of RD in the invention process. As of today most of invention does not come from an individual but by groups such as research institute financed by the government or private firms. These institutes are normally called research and development (RD) institutes. According to OECD definition, Research and development is a term used in covering three activities: basic research, applied research, and experimental development. It has been said that the common role of RD is to encourage innovation and technology by improving the ability of firms to learn about advances in the leading edge (absorptive capacity) (Griffith, 2001). III. THE PROCESS OF COMMERCIALIZATION It is a given fact that the main goal of invention is to solve a problem by technical process with this the beneficiaries of the invention will be satisfied. But how about the inventor, aside from the sense of achievement and acknowledgement what can he benefit from his invention? Here lies the emphasis on the commercialization process of invention. There are different ways to commercialize ones invention; either through licensing, self-venture or assignment. It has been noted that In order to reach the market, you have to find someone who can sell your invention or sell it yourself (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1999). According to WIPO, Licensing occurs when a licensor grants exploitation rights over a patent to a licensee. A license is also a legal contract, and so it sets the terms and condition of the exchange of rights including other important details in using or producing ones invention (Mendes, 2000). Many inventors undertake licensing because of the huge amount of money that they can acquire and the level of responsibility is lower than using or selling your own invention (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1999). There are considerable pros and cons regarding the licensing process. Heres the summary: the pros; licensing multiplies the resources to develop your invention, you may make some money and you may make it soon, and licensing frees you to do something else. The cons; you lose control of the technology; your own involvement is reduced, finding the right licensee is tough and protecting your interests is crucial (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1999). It has been noted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in United States that venturing or commercializing your technology by yourself is probably the hardest path to take especially if one does not have a background about business and marketing. It requires a lot of business skills and connections in order to successfully commercialized ones invention. There are also pros and cons with the use of this process. The pros; running a company can be exciting, in the long run, you may make a lot more money and it is your company and you control it. The cons; its risky, resources remain limited, youll be working and working and you probably wont make much money for quite a while (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1999). In an assignment involves there is a trade and transmission of ownership of the patent by the assignor to the assignee (Mendes, 2000). It is probably the easiest way to commercialize an invention but in return the ownership of the patent does not belong to you and it is irrevocable. If you want a lump sum of money in an instant from your invention, this is probably the appropriate commercial process for you to use. Before an invention undergoes the process of commercialization, there are general prerequisites that are needed to be accomplished. First, it must be working, specifically an engineering prototype. Second, you should have a market analysis-you ask the basic questions in economics such as who, how, when, where and how much to produce. In addition, you need to know different market channels where your invention could reach. Last, a written plan-same as writing a business plan (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1999). There are two things that should be prioritized in order to lessen ones problem in the process of commercialization. An inventor must acknowledge the cost and sources of capital. Cost can be in the forms of money, time and personal life, while sources of capital can in forms of debt capital, government funds and equity capital (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1999). Overall, it seems that the commercialization of ones invention is one of the goals of an inventor. It is one of the preferred end points of such activity. A report emphasized the importance of commercialization of an invention and proclaimed it as a reward to the inventor. It also included the importance of relationship with different professions in order to make ones invention into the market-What good is an invention if it never makes it to market, or for that matter, I it never rewards its creator? Invention does not end with coming up with a new device or new process. It takes an equally adroit tenacity to form the relationships that will make the invention payoff (McPherson, 1995). Certain relationship must be established by the inventor with different business development professional in order to try making its invention into the market; maybe a patent attorney, market researcher, business development pro or perhaps an invention-marketing group (McPherson, 1995). IV. Government Support in Local Invention There are many government agencies as well as non-government organizations that support local inventions. Under the supervision of the Department of Science and Technology, is the establishment of the Technology Application Promotion Institute or TAPI. Its primary responsibility is to promote the commercialization of technologies and market the services of other operating units of the department (TAPI, 2008). Among others, TAPI also administers the Invention Development Assistance Fund for the initial experiments and prototype development and other invention-development related activities. Through this fund, TAPI has managed to conduct various programs that raise the level of awareness of various clients in the areas of technology application and utilization. Among these programs is the Academe/Industry Prototype Development Assistance Program which provides financial support for the fabrication and testing of commercial prototypes, the DOST Exposition and Fairs Program that promotes and exhibits technology materials, ideas and information, the Technology-Based Enterprise Development Assistance Program which gives financial assistance to technology-based micro, small and medium scale enterprises, the Investors Forum Program which brings together technology operators and investors to create actual business ventures, and many other programs that promotes and supports Philippine local inventions (TAPI, 2008). All these programs lie under the Technology Information and Promotion Division. Among various programs of the TAPI caters to agricultural enterprises, manufacturing firms, students and non-government organizations through its Investment and Business Operations Division. TAPI also extends its assistance to agricultural-based enterprises through the Consultancy for Agricultural Productivity Enhancement (CAPE). It also assists small and medium scale enterprises in manufacturing to attain higher productivity through the Manufacturing Productivity Extension (MPEX) Program and the Venture Financing Program. TAPI also caters to students, young professional in developing their entrepreneurial competencies through the Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program DOST-Academe Technology-Based Enterprise Development (SETUP-DATBED) Program. DOST also supports technology transfer through the Science and Technology volunteer Pool Program (STEVPP). This program basically provides experts and scientists to its interested clients in the various regions and municipalities in th e Philippines in order to provide them technical assistance on technology commercialization (TAPI, 2008) Lastly is the Invention Development Division (IDD) who is mainly responsible for providing financial assistance to Filipino inventors by upholding the intellectual property system as well as the business development of inventions and technologies (TAPI, 2008). They basically provide funding assistance for the local inventors in their activities such as securing intellectual property protection, industrial applications in private enterprises, manufacturing and testing of their inventions, developing their invention as an enterprise commodity and even travel assistance. They are also given tax and duty exemptions through an endorsement to the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Department of Finance. Inventors are also encouraged to showcase their inventions through the National Invention Contest and Exhibits (NICE) wherein they can have cash incentives or prizes amounting to P150,000.00 as well as WIPO Gold Medals and certificates. This contest is held annually and is open for all local inventors in the academe (high school and college level) as well as those in the private sectors. Among the other agencies concerned in the promotion of local invention and the protection of intellectual property rights are the Filipino Inventors Society and the Intellectual Property Rights Office of the Philippines. V. Cultivating Technological Innovation for Development Development or innovation in society of technologies, such as information and communication technologies should be self-cultivated rather than imported. (Corea, 2000) Based from the research paper there is a need for developing countries to improve or focus on achieving a technological adoption particularly on Information Communication Technologies to reap its benefits. There have been multiple research disciplines to support such study particularly; behavioral notion on development, concepts of change, theoretical formulations. The paper applies these ideas for understanding the macro-phenomena of national development in terms of technological innovation Technological change as defined in the paper is any incremental or radical changes in the application of problem-solving knowledge to the production process, resulting in increased efficiency, either in the form of a product or service produced with lower costs or in the form of a qualitative improvement in a product or service.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Politics and the Media Essay -- Media Politics Political History Essay

Politics and the Media It is a reasonable expectation that the media will gather the facts and report the news fairly, accurately and responsibly. The American public relies on the media for a great deal of its information. "The role of the press in American politics has become a major source of discussion and controversy in recent years" (Davis, 1). The question raised in this paper is, "Does the media present the news fairly, accurately, and completely?" The short answer is no, the long answer will be examined throughout the following essay. This essay will examine the media and its influence and effects on politics and government. "Publick Occurrences" was the first newspaper to appear in colonial America. This publication begins the history of the media and its effects on politics and government in America. The paper was struck down soon after being published and its publishers arrested. Without the protection of the First Amendment, newspapers had little chance of survival; especially if they were critical of established authority. The first successfully published American newspaper came almost fifteen years later in 1704. It was entitled the "Boston News-Letter". Several other papers came into circulation in colonial America and just before the Revolution there were twenty-four papers in circulation. Articles in colonial newspapers were a major source of political pressure in shifting public opinion from reconciliation with England to complete political independence. Thus began the history of the media influence in America and its effects on American government and politics. The number of printed newspapers in America continued to grow and by the end of the Revolution there were approximately forty-three newspapers available to the public. They played an important role, informing the public, in the political affairs of the young nation. In 1791 the Bill of Rights was passed securing the freedom of the press. Protected by the First Amendment, American newspapers played an important and influential function in local and national politics. Newspapers were originally a luxury only enjoyed by the wealthy and the literate minority. It was during the era of Jacksonian democracy, the 1830's, that newspapers became more widespread. This resulted from the invention of the "Penny Press." It was now possible to sell newspapers for one cent a copy... ...e facts and report the news fairly, accurately and responsibly. It concludes with the assertion that although the media report the news it is not always fair and accurate. Yellow journalism, the Nixon-Kennedy debates, and advocacy journalism (broadcasting) demonstrate that the influence the media have on government and public opinion. In a democracy any attempt to regulate the influence of the media will conflict with the constitutional protection of the First Amendment. The antidote for an overly influential media is an educated public. Works Cited Coulter, Ann. "Ann Coulter on Liberal Bias in the Media." Interview with Katie Couric. Today. NBC. WNBC, New York. 26 June 1994. Davis, Richard. The Press and American Politics. New York: Longman, 1992. Graber, Doris A. Media Power in Politics. Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1990. Goldberg, Bernard. Bias. Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2002 Kelly, Michael. "The Myth of Media Fairness." New York Post 21 Dec. 2002: 17. Streitmatter, Rodger. Mightier than the Sword. Colorado: Westview Press, 1997. White, Theodore H. The Making of the President 1960. New York: Antheneum Publishers, 1961.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Promote Children and Young People’s Positve Behaviour Essay

In this assignment I will be looking to demonstrate my knowledge of three different assessment criteria. Firstly I will be looking to explain the benefits of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people’s behaviour. I will then look to explain how the application of boundaries and rules for behaviour complies with the policies and procedures of the setting. I will then move onto to explaining the benefits of actively promoting positive aspects of behaviour as well as explaining the strategies for actively promoting positive aspects of behaviour. And finally I will look to give an explanation of the sorts of behaviour or discipline problems that should be referred to others and then I will look to give an understanding of the procedures for reporting problems. Firstly it is important for all staff to be consistent and fair when applying boundaries and rules for children and young people and outline any implications that inconsistent application of rules may have. It is also important to make sure that all children are treated equally, not only will that mean that the children trust you but it also means that the children will know exactly where the boundaries are which is very important when being in the classroom but also when outside the classroom as well. Making sure there isn’t any inconsistency as well is very important for both staff as students, this is likely to happen if children can see they aren’t being treated fairly which may lead to children trying to play staff off against each other and as a team may cause tension for them. There are many examples which back this up and the best one is when at the end of playtime whoever is on duty blows the whistle and the children line up into their class lines and then are quietly led back to their classrooms by their teacher, if this didn’t happen there would be problems getting back into school and could lead to accidents happening after playtime has finished and also as the children make their way back into school for lessons. In my setting at Rosebery which is a short stay school an example of this would be at the end of each lesson either the class teacher or the support staff who has worked with will lead the class o the next lesson or to break or lunchtime, the reason we do this is to make sure our pupils do not disturb other lessons which are going at the same time, it also means that should any trouble between students break out which is a big possibility working at Rosebery then there will be a member of staff available to attempt to break up and restrain any pupils should it be required. There are many benefits of encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour of children and young people. Firstly starting with the fact that positive behaviour does highlight to other children what type of behaviour they should be displaying which is extremely important to see in the classroom and outside during break and lunchtimes in their own time, this could also lead to teachers trusting the pupils with important jobs like delivering messages to other classes etc. This in turn means that children are more likely to repeat any positive behaviour they see from others as they can see what positive behaviour looks like and what rewards come with good behaviour. Another benefit from encouraging behaviour is that if a pupil is praised for good behaviour which they have shown will mean that the child/children in question will only get more confident and their self-esteem will also increase which is a good thing to have at a young age especially when it comes to preparing for later life as well. Another thing which comes from positive behaviour and also sets children up for later life is that working relationships will become more positive which will set up friendships for later life. Also should a child get house points for good work or good behaviour or even win pupil of the week off the class teacher which is what we have brought into Rosebery in recently weeks which has only giving our pupils something to aim for especially when they all see certificates up in the foyer when they come into school every morning, then the success will only spur them on to continue with their good behaviour as they can see the rewards that will come with good behaviour and continue to receive awards and rewards for good reason. Finally good behaviour also removes any potential barriers to learning which is very important as it will mean children will be able to have full focus on what they are being taught by their class teacher and will therefore be more likely to succeed with any sort of exam or assessment they get set. Schools must comply with sanctions because it is one of the many policies which schools must abide by in terms of legal requirements but also children and young people need to be praised when they have done something right and when they really have achieved something and that is what as staff we attempt to do as often as possible. There are however times when bad behaviour does need to be dealt with and it is important to know how you go about it for example knowing who you need to tell and how you go about telling them are both important things which must be taken into consideration when having to deal with bad behaviour. Firstly it is important to act within the boundaries of my role within the school when dealing with bad behaviour, and I must also remember if I am unsure about what these boundaries are I should seek support from a fellow member of staff who does know the correct guidelines and boundaries. If I am in the position where I witness violent or aggressive behaviour which has led to their being a big risk of children and/or staff getting hurt, then instantly at the very least I should tell my class teacher what I have seen so they can deal with it and inform the right people, whether that be just the headmaster to deal with it and take the right action whatever that may be. This is also the same procedure if you notice any bullying going on or if you are told by a pupil they are being bullied or they have seen bully, taking the accusation seriously and making sure the class teacher knows about it as soon as possible so they can follow it up quickly and in the right way by letting the relevant people know. If there is any behaviour which comes under the category of persistent non-compliance behaviour which would include children not doing what they have been asked to do, for example being out of their chairs to go and talk to others while in lesson this is then another barrier to learning, this type of example normally includes a lot of children which means more are unable to learn and more face getting in trouble for not following instructions. There are many examples of the sorts of behaviour or discipline problems that should be referred to others and these include violet or aggressive behaviour, bullying of any kind whether that be physical or cyber, if the pupils) are being non-compliant, any sort of uncharacteristic behaviour is another good example which at Rosebery we see all too often, another example which once again we see at Rosebery is a poor attendances which some of our children have and that is usually due to all of the reasons above and must be dealt with as a matter of emergency should this occur as the pupils have a legal requirement to be in school until they leave at the age of 16. Overall It is important to remember that positive behaviour really needs to be rewarded by the staff at school as it can improve self-esteem of the child/children in question and is very likely to mean that they keep up their good behaviour in the future, it is also important to remember that if behaviour isn’t good then the correct sanctions must be brought in so it’s fair on all pupils that they are all following the same rules but also so those who are misbehaving are able to learn from a negative experience like getting in trouble.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Day of My Life

It was a fine morning, soothing breezes were moving at a sluggish pace, and clouds filled the sky like slowly dissipating smoke after a huge explosion. I was driving my car at a speed of 40 mph.This beautiful scenario had restricted my adrenaline rush and I didn’t feel like hitting the accelerator. I just wanted to make the most of this beautiful time. I turned the radio on and fortunately a soothing melody hit my ears. All these factors were quite unusual for the place where I lived. Weather here was usually quite hot and irritating.Suddenly I realized I was getting late, I had promised my parents to be at the venue in time. But it seemed like once again I was going to miss the party. This thought brought out all my childhood memories in the foreground, all the time I had spent with my parents, all the love, all the care I had enjoyed.That unconditional love is very rare in this world; I realized this fact when I moved away from my parents. Everyone, at some point or the othe r, has to take some important decisions regarding his life. I did the same. I wanted to be an independent, self-reliant person and for that I had to make the most of any opportunity that knocked my door. Unfortunately the job offer I got was for another city, almost 250 miles away from where I actually lived with my parents. So I had to move away, rather unwillingly.It started drizzling and those droplets like diamonds started to fall on the windscreen. This was quite significantly positive addition to the beauty of the current scenario. This light rain reminded me of all the time I had enjoyed in the rain with my mom and dad. They knew I loved rain so much, it made me so happy.And just for the sake of my happiness, they used to take me out to my favorite places whenever the weather was nice. I still remember the time when I was in school and my mom used to wake me up every morning. Her face was the first thing I used to see every morning, and no doubt, my days went great. My dad us ed to drop me off to school every morning. He never leaved unless I waved my hand from the edge of the main gate of the school.These memories were making me feel good and equally sad. I just couldn’t wait till the moment I saw my parents again. I accelerated the speed a little. I was only 15 miles away from home now. It breathed a new life in me, as soon as I entered the limits of the area. Everything seemed so familiar, so known and strangely fascinating. I could relate to almost everything I saw.These shops, these buildings, these parks, these malls, everything reminded me of the time I had spend here. I suddenly saw a restaurant where I used to eat every Friday with my friends and then at walking distance was the theater where we used to come for movies after dinner at that restaurant. It all reminded me of the time I had spent with my classmates and friends, the parties we used to have, the little fights we had and then the childish patch-ups. It all sounded quite funny n ow.I was driving quite slowly once again. My surroundings fascinated me to the level that is hard to be described in words. The road was quite straight with so much of green on both sides of it; I had a memory of this road. Then I realized that this was where my school had been. It had changed quite so much, it was not that green back then.I saw the building of my school which had not changed at all, the main gate, the parks, the windows; everything had some memories attributed with it. I still remember how much I loved my school, may be because of my classmates. I loved being with my friends. I remember those never ending conversations we used to have, regarding movies, music, TV shows, food, new trends in fashion and so much more. All this was playing like a distant echo in my head.I could now see the block where my house was, my destination. My heart throbbed at the thought of seeing my parents and luckily some of my friends again. What I felt at that moment was a mix of exciteme nt and gloom. Both were for the same reason, I was going to see them after a long time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay Sample on Work and Motivation

Essay Sample on Work and Motivation Considering todays scenario of a fast paced lifestyle, skyrocketing expenses and the constant struggle for a decent survival, money seems to be the only answer and the only driving force. The sole aim of education is to provide a sense of independence to an individual, but independence in the present context is not limited to making ones own decisions or solving mortal problems- it largely relates to the monetary capacity of a person and the ability to sustain himself and his family with regard to materialistic comforts and needs. What motivates a person to frantically look for employment, bear the brunt of bosses and stick to a boring job that requires long working hours and exhausting responsibilities? Most often the factor involved is the money! Although some people may have professional or personal interests in a particular job profile, the M-factor tops the list of priorities. Contemporary authors have defined the concept of motivation in many different ways. Motivation has been defined as: the psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction , a predisposition to behave in a purposive manner to achieve specific, unmet needs and an internal drive to satisfy an unsatisfied need . Lindner describes motivation as the inner force that drives individuals to accomplish personal and organizational goals. For effective and smooth functioning of any organization (big or small), it is necessary that each employee is motivated enough to satisfy his/ her job responsibilities. Motivated employees are more productive and diligent because they are confident that their hard work and efforts will reap them fair remuneration and a handsome salary and cash bonus is always appreciated! Motivation is in actuality a result oriented phenomenon based on the reward system . Favorable rewards and returns undoubtedly induce a positive effect on the efforts and efficacy of an individual. As a result, employees tend to repeat behaviors that produce a positive outcome and avoid those which have produced a negative outcome in their experience . It is also stipulated that motivation factors change in priority as an individual scales up the career ladder and reaches a point when monetary aspects gradually lose importance and are succeeded by professional and creative satisfaction . This research further supports the fact that monetary factors are of primary concern to any worker and that other requirements like job satisfaction , creativity come into play only after the primary need is successfully met.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Jack in the Box Franchise Essays

Jack in the Box Franchise Essays Jack in the Box Franchise Essay Jack in the Box Franchise Essay What is Jack in The Box? Jack in the Box is a fast food burger restaurant that serves everything from breakfast sandwiches to tacos and egg rolls. Jack in the box was founded in 1952 by a business man named Robert O. Patterson who opened the first Jack in the Box in San Francisco, California. The restaurant first started off as a drive-thru only place that served burgers for just 18 cents to motorist on the highway. Now the restaurant and their trademark clown are among the nation’s leading fast-food hamburger chains with over 2,200 restaurants in 19 states. Financial Condition As of August 2011 Jack in the box has made $150 million dollars and has opened 6 new restaurants since December 2010. Jack in the Box has also become one of the top fast-food places in the nation, and has only closed a total of 6 restaurants out of the 2,200 they have in the nation. Requirements for Franchising To open a restaurant candidates must have a number of qualifications. Some of these qualifications are franchise and restaurant management experience, a net worth of $1,500,000, the ability to develop at least 5 more restaurants, and a passion for the restaurant industry. Why it will be successful I believe Jack in the Box can be successful in Bloomington/Normal because there menu offers a variety of foods that other fast food places don’t such as churros, egg rolls, tacos, funnel cakes, cheesecakes, etc. There prices could also compete with other restaurants such as steak n shake, and Sonic with a Sirloin Cheeseburger being only $4. 00. There dollar menu also offers more options than McDonalds with them serving 2 tacos, jumbo hamburgers, salads, and egg rolls just to name a few. Qdoba is also a sister restaurant of Jack in the Box, and has been doing well in twon. Where it would be located I would put the restaurant in the plaza where the Schnucks was recently built or by Moe’s Southwest grill. I think this location would be best because there aren’t too many fast food places over there except Wendy’s. There would just be one in town for now until the company knows for sure that the restaurant is in high demand and is making profit. There could also be opportunities in adding another restaurant in Champaign, IL on University of Illinois’s campus. This location could lead to a big success for the company because of the thousands of college students that live there and Champaign is also seen as a vacation spot. Risks Some risks with opening a Jack in the Box is that there are already many hamburger restaurants in Bloomington/Normal with McDonalds with a majority of them so adding another would overwhelm people in the community. Opening this restaurant would be a high risk because of the already established fast-food restaurants that are in Bloomington/Normal make up a big majority of the market.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Black Like Me Essay Research Paper Title

Black Like Me Essay, Research Paper Title: Black Like Me Writer: John Howard Griffin Subject: Discrimination because of race can alter a individual? s whole mentality on life. Plot: John is a white author who spends six hebdomads as a? Negro? in the southern provinces. He subsequently studies of his tests and adversities, he tells how he dealt with racism as both a white adult male and a black adult male. Setting: This book takes topographic point in largely the southern provinces. John travels from New Orleans, Louisiana, through Mississippi, and so into Alabama as a? Negro. ? It started in October of 1959 and John returned place to Mansfield, Texas in December. For the following eight months John tells the documents, telecasting Stationss, and wirelesss of his experiences populating as a? Negro. ? During those eight months he besides has some menaces towards his household, so they travel around remaining at topographic points they think will be safer. Word picture: Mr. Griffin, as they called him in the South, wanted to cognize what it felt like to be discriminated by the colour of your tegument. He had a loving married woman and 3 childs who he perfectly adored. As a really courageous and funny adult male he headed into a chilling universe as a? Negro? trusting for the best. Sterling Williams was? the shoe reflecting man. ? He was in his 50 and had a hitch, which with he had to utilize a crutch. He was really friendly and was a great aid to John. Excerpt: ? . . . I stood in the darkness before the mirror, my manus on the light switch. I forced myself to flick it on. In the inundation of visible radiation against white tile, the face and shoulders of a alien? a fierce, bald, really dark Negro-glared at me from the glass. He in no manner resembled me. The transmutation was entire and flooring. I had expected to see myself disguised, but this was something else. I was imprisoned in the flesh of an arrant alien, an unsympathetic on with whom I felt no affinity. All hints of John Griffin I had been were wiped from being. . . . ? Discussion: Finding out how it feels to be discriminated because of your race is a factor of both the secret plan and the word picture. The whole footing of the narrative was to calculate out what consequence favoritism has on a individual. John so went through medical intervention to alter himself into a? Negro. ? After making so he so walked the streets of Louisiana, spent darks in random hotels, and traveled at the dorsum of the coach. Merely so he could experience the full consequence of being a? Negro. ? Characterization was besides a large portion. With out John desiring to make this nil would hold worked. He besides didn? t alteration his personality or even his name. Mr. Griffin had to be strong indoors to cover with the torment, grief, and racism that he encountered. BY making this undertaking John non merely got a better image of how it was to be a? Negro? , but it besides changed his mentality on life forever.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Management Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Management Accounting - Essay Example Many individual country studies have been done on the national management accounting practices all over the world (Broomwitch and Wang, 1991; Amat et al, 1994 etc). However, the investor confidence has been deteriorating internationally in the accounting process because of the widespread occurrences of creative accounting and scandal. These two common events have created serious concerns among the investors globally. This has changed the image of management accounting as an objective discipline and showed the political nature of accounting. Many individual country case studies have been done to evaluate the existing management accounting practices globally (Broomwitch and Wang, 1991; Amat et al, 1994; Adlegan, 2000). Given this background, this essay critically evaluates the subjectivity of management accounting and the various images and practice that have shaped the subjectivity debate. The organization of the essay is given below. Section 2 discusses the debate regarding convergen ce to IFRS and true and fair value concept. Section 3 discusses the creative accounting in detail. Section 4 concludes the essay. 2. ... It is argued that the convergence of national accounting standards and IFRS has advantages like internationally comparable financial information with high quality. Moreover, it is supposed to obtain other benefits of globalization (Purvis et al, 1991). At the same time, this has created serious concerns in many nations also in spite of the above-mentioned benefits of financial reporting under IFRS. The main reason for this concern is that though it has many advantages, it may sometimes avoid country-specific interests (Barton, 1999). The internationalization can lead to the emergence of many account setting bodies which can have their own specific interests that can be in conflict with the interests of a particular nation. These groups can have the dominating power in such cases and the specific interests of a nation can be ignored. This has been a debatable issue in the recent years. IFRS has many major requirements, among which the main is the need for fair value reporting of their financial matters by the public companies in their financial statements. Based on this approach, the exchange price estimates need to be the basis for the asset and liability measurement in some cases. These prices need to be in a transaction at present and between parties who are not associated with each other and are known (Landsman, 2006; Ryan, 2008). However, this approach has raised many questions among the different scholars later. There have been many concerns regarding the fair value approach. In case of illiquid markets, the fair values can be obtained only by adjusting for illiquidity. Here, the market to market values or market to model values will be the adjustment done for estimation of fair values (Landsman, 2006).

Planning and monitoring work Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Planning and monitoring work - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that different policies of the organization have a strong effect on planning and allocation different resources. Organization develops different strategic planning process in its policies. It develops policies according to its goals and objectives. The company makes plans according to those policies. These strategic plans help the company to guide and implement its policies successfully for meeting its mission and vision. Based on the strategies organization develop different plans for its betterment and employee growth. Organizational policies contribute a lot in forming various plans for improving management strategies. These plans help to implement trainings and programs within the company. The plan also influences the work process of the organization. Allocation of work depends a lot on company’s policies. According to the policies the company allocates resources to its different group of employees. It helps to make different spe cific teams within the company to maintain smooth work process. The HR policies of the company help to identify the appropriate employees which are required for doing different types of work. The organizational policies help to make different financial plans for implementing its various policies. The example of an objective that a team is working on to achieve is to increase the productivity of that particular team. For increasing the productivity the team will undergo specific trainings which will improve the strengths of its different team members.

What is he demographic transition and why is it important today Essay

What is he demographic transition and why is it important today - Essay Example As the birth and death rates are identical in this phase therefore this phenomenon results in a very slow population growth and the population remains almost stationary over the period of time. The high death rates at this stage are imputed to lack of knowledge about disease prevention and shortages of food supply. Since in the days of yore, there was a lack of clean drinking water, scarcity of good food hygiene, and ineffective sanitary systems therefore it resulted in very high death rates. Diseases pertaining to water and food such as cholera, typhoid, and diarrhoea were discerned as fatal diseases and they were common killers at those times. A handful of child survived their early stages of life. Similarly, high birth rates at those periods are ascribed to all the factors that are linked with high fertility. Since the death rates among the children remained high therefore mothers craved for new children and there was no question as to the need for children even if the measures to control them had existed. The second stage of demographic transition (beginning of industrialization) observes a rapid decline in the death rate while the birth rate remains at the same level. As a consequence of this, the gap between deaths and births grows wider which in turn increases the population of the country. The drastic decline in death is ascribed to different factors. Firstly, economies observe massive improvements in their food supply furnished by higher yields as farming processes are refined and improved. Such improvements include crop rotation, selective breeding, and seed drill technology (Montgomery 2005). Secondly, development in country’s infrastructure improves the transportation system and hence it saves from death due to starvation. Finally, there are substantial improvements in the realm of public health, specifically during the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Organizatinal Culture Profile Analysis of Imperator Slovakia Ltd Essay

Organizatinal Culture Profile Analysis of Imperator Slovakia Ltd - Essay Example Currently, Imperator manufactures 120 assorted brands. It has over 90 employees and the company continues to develop from time to time. It has maintained ISO standards since 2003. The company has been successful in the development and sale of different products around the world. Imperator has won numerous awards throughout the world and it continues to maintain high performance standards in the face of high level competition from brands from Russia and other parts of the world. The organizational vision is tied with the attainment of the best results on the international front. This is because Slovakia's location makes it a geo-strategic point. The writer of this article seeks to blend his role as a manager in the industry with the internal structures of Imperator. This paper will use organizational culture profile methodologies and tools to match the corporate systems and structures of Imperator Slovakia and how it impacts on the individual activities and capabilities of the writer and other individuals in the organization. The paper will use the models of O'Reilley et al as well as Cable and Judge. This will attempt to examine the linkages between the corporate view and the individual expectations of the company. Organizational Culture Profile Models O'Reilly et al identify that there are three core themes of organizational behavior (487). First of all, research into organizational behavior has renewed focus on person-situation constraints. In other words, organizational behavior is based on the relationship between the people of the organization and what they organizational rules, regulations and culture permit them to do or not to do at different points in time. The second emphasis is on the quantitative assessment of organizational culture. This implies that the organization uses a collective approach to identify the extent to which different features exist within an organization. This is done through the attribution of values or figures to various compone nts of organizations to ascertain the important structures that define and shape up an organization. Finally, there is the use of statistical methods to aggregate and provide definitive cultural features within organizations. In their journal, O'Reilly et al identified through longitudinal data, the components of organizational culture (487). This provided the dimensions within which different organizational cultures could be defined and predicted. This model is known as the Organizational Culture Profile (OCP). The OCP provides the fit of organizations and predicts organizational commitment and job satisfaction that exists within the organization. This paper will apply the OCP to Imperator and attempt to define the organizational culture and system. Cable and Judge on the other hand, defined the relationship between individual persons and the organizational culture or system (548). In their analysis, they identified that the person-organizational fit is important. And individuals a pply to organizations based on their personal qualities. These applicants are selected based on their unique personality and how well that personality fits into the organization (Cable and Judge 551). This paper will also use the P-O model of Imperator to define my

Problem of Domestic Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Problem of Domestic Violence - Essay Example Domestic cruelty is prevalent not only between spouses but also among family members. It could involve parents being violent to their own kids. Perpetrators learn this behavior through watching it happen. Family and community reinforce and worsen the situation. It is neither a disease nor a genetic disorder. Domestic aggression often serves the perpetrator’s purpose. Domestic cruelty gives the executor power against the victim. This paper delves into the divergent opinions concerning the problem of domestic cruelty. It expounds on the effects and possible remedies to the crisis since the problem is still widespread (Kimberly, p.1255-1300). Effects of Domestic Violence The impacts of domestic violence are far-reaching and overwhelming. Women who are mostly the victims of this brutality undergo a multiplicity of medical complications. This might range from depression to persistent pain, and they might also be at an augmented risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or unin tended pregnancies. Women who undergo domestic aggression might even be willing to accept a potentially precarious job abroad, exposing them to women trafficking. Depression and continued fear might result in mental disorders. It might also cause use of substance abuse to alleviate the fear of domestic brutality. The victim might also have low self esteem due to lack of self worth. This might consequently lead to the victim’s participation in prostitution. Continued violence might even result in death and family fragmentation. Children born from such families continue with the habit of cruelty towards other kids and people. They become bullies while others develop timid demeanours deteriorating their academic performance and social interaction. These women might be forced to miss work many times because of health problems (Kimberly, p.1255-1300). What has been done? Domestic violence occurs in all races regardless of age, ethnicity, nationality or sexual orientation. There ha ve been numerous efforts towards addressing the crime. For instance, stigmatization of victims has greatly reduced, and assistance is now readily accessible. Law enforcement bodies in different countries have established departments that tackle domestic cases, offer education and prevention measures. Shelters have been established for children suffering from household hostility. Couple therapy services are also prevalent in many communities to tackle domestic brutality cases. Many laws have also been recommending jail terms for perpetrators, but these reprimands are not commensurate to offenses committed or are not stringent enough. There are rehabilitation centres for victims and perpetrators around the world aimed at handling domestic cruelty. However, there is the need to increase treatment centres for victims since most of the sufferers are neglected after experiencing this hostility. There is a belief that jailing the perpetrator is the only solution to domestic brutality (Doha rt, p.461-474). There are also centres that are intended to solve the emotional distress associated with domestic hostility. This is where victims are availed the opportunity to communicate their feelings without fear or hindrances. This is done so that the healing process takes place faster. These centres incorporate those affected directly and indirectly for their effectiveness. Churches and educational institutions are among such that offer such services. Domestic Brutality not Exaggerated Domestic brutality is a grievous problem

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Role of the HIM Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Role of the HIM Manager - Essay Example The health care industry was the largest industry in 2006 which provided 14 million jobs in addition to 438,000 jobs for the self employed (BLS, 2008). The health care industry delivers care round the clock to millions of people. This requires combining the medical technology with the human touch. The health care industry consists of nine different segments – hospitals, nursing and residential care facilities, office of physicians, office of dentists, home health care services, offices of other health care practitioners, outpatient care centers, other ambulatory health care services and medical and diagnostic laboratories. The hospitals constitute only 1 percent of all healthcare establishments but they employ 35% of all workers. Workers in health care tend to be older than workers in other industries. Health occupations require high level of education and training due to which the health care workers are more likely to remain employed in the same occupation. Health Informatio n Management (HIM) Professionals are vital to any health care organization. This paper will discuss their job description and responsibilities, the challenges they face in discharging their duties and their responsibility towards handling legal and regulatory issues. The HIM professionals are also known by other designations such as Administrative Support Personnel, Health Care Technologist, Health Record Technician, Information Clerk, Information Specialist, Medical Technologist, Office Personnel (Alberta, 2007). The health records in any health care centre contain records about the patients’ history and courses of treatment. These may also include the physicians’ note, forms for prescribed medication, input from other members of the treatment team. While the health records departments are open for longer hours the HIM professionals work in shifts and generally work a standard work week. Their work profile entails spending the better part of the day at the

Problem of Domestic Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Problem of Domestic Violence - Essay Example Domestic cruelty is prevalent not only between spouses but also among family members. It could involve parents being violent to their own kids. Perpetrators learn this behavior through watching it happen. Family and community reinforce and worsen the situation. It is neither a disease nor a genetic disorder. Domestic aggression often serves the perpetrator’s purpose. Domestic cruelty gives the executor power against the victim. This paper delves into the divergent opinions concerning the problem of domestic cruelty. It expounds on the effects and possible remedies to the crisis since the problem is still widespread (Kimberly, p.1255-1300). Effects of Domestic Violence The impacts of domestic violence are far-reaching and overwhelming. Women who are mostly the victims of this brutality undergo a multiplicity of medical complications. This might range from depression to persistent pain, and they might also be at an augmented risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or unin tended pregnancies. Women who undergo domestic aggression might even be willing to accept a potentially precarious job abroad, exposing them to women trafficking. Depression and continued fear might result in mental disorders. It might also cause use of substance abuse to alleviate the fear of domestic brutality. The victim might also have low self esteem due to lack of self worth. This might consequently lead to the victim’s participation in prostitution. Continued violence might even result in death and family fragmentation. Children born from such families continue with the habit of cruelty towards other kids and people. They become bullies while others develop timid demeanours deteriorating their academic performance and social interaction. These women might be forced to miss work many times because of health problems (Kimberly, p.1255-1300). What has been done? Domestic violence occurs in all races regardless of age, ethnicity, nationality or sexual orientation. There ha ve been numerous efforts towards addressing the crime. For instance, stigmatization of victims has greatly reduced, and assistance is now readily accessible. Law enforcement bodies in different countries have established departments that tackle domestic cases, offer education and prevention measures. Shelters have been established for children suffering from household hostility. Couple therapy services are also prevalent in many communities to tackle domestic brutality cases. Many laws have also been recommending jail terms for perpetrators, but these reprimands are not commensurate to offenses committed or are not stringent enough. There are rehabilitation centres for victims and perpetrators around the world aimed at handling domestic cruelty. However, there is the need to increase treatment centres for victims since most of the sufferers are neglected after experiencing this hostility. There is a belief that jailing the perpetrator is the only solution to domestic brutality (Doha rt, p.461-474). There are also centres that are intended to solve the emotional distress associated with domestic hostility. This is where victims are availed the opportunity to communicate their feelings without fear or hindrances. This is done so that the healing process takes place faster. These centres incorporate those affected directly and indirectly for their effectiveness. Churches and educational institutions are among such that offer such services. Domestic Brutality not Exaggerated Domestic brutality is a grievous problem

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Addressing Employee Motivation Essay Example for Free

Addressing Employee Motivation Essay Executive Summary Tom was seen to have a loss of motivation at work which was investigated. An analysis showed the main cause to be a lack of communication from his manager, a need for role definition, and a lack of publicity for the success of his project initiative. Recommendation is for Tom’s manager to be informed so they are hopefully able to address these issues and retain and develop Tom’s skills. A problematic work situation relating to a HRM concept in Book 2 1.1 A description of the work problem Tom has a well paid job as a project manager. He created an idea and initiated a project to design and implement a website. After setting up the design and defining the stakeholders, without discussion, another person was brought in to chair the project meetings and keep track of actions for the software team. He felt a lack of clarity in his role and without clear guidance and credit did not feel motivated to push the project as hard as before. Weekly work hours fell back to a normal 40 hours from 50 or 60, and his other ideas were not pushed to management with the same enthusiasm. Motivation was clearly falling. This example relates to motivation and Session 1 of Book 2 can be used to analyse what motivates Tom to go to work. See more:  First Poem for You Essay 1.2 Analysis of my experience using my chosen concepts To understand Tom’s motivation level’s I have analysed his situation using Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs (1954) from session 1 (The Open University, B120 Book 2). According to Maslow, â€Å"a satisfied need is not a motivator†. Matching which needs are met on the pyramid of five categories will give an indication of which unmet need should be a motivator. Figure [ 1 ] Maslows Hierarchy of needs pyramid, and summary of Toms status within it. Figure 1 Maslows Hierarchy of needs pyramid, and summary of Toms status within it. According to Maslow’s theory, Tom has reached the 3rd level, but the lack of communication and feedback has stopped him achieving ‘Esteem’. Maslow states that â€Å"Not meeting these needs has a negative effect on our mental health† and this could explain the low motivation that Tom’s behaviour indicates. Tom was also under the impression that his idea and the quick success of the project would be publicised by his manager and would open up opportunities to be involved in other senior projects within the business. This did not materialise, and the senior management was not made aware of any plans to utilise Tom’s skills. In fact Tom’s manager was based in another country and was often not reachable for consultation either by phone or email. This expectation and its failure to materialise also causes low motivation, as explained in the concept of a ‘psychological contract’ from The Open University (2012). By applying this concept, we can understand that Tom had reason to believe that a successful project would lead to acknowledgement and higher esteem within the company, and even though this was not part of a formal employment contract. When this did not occur Tom felt his psychological contract had been violated, and that his hard work was inconsequential, leading to his low motivation to keep working hard. 1.3 Proposed solutions to the problem The analysis above has identified possible causes of Tom’s low motivation. With this understanding of these reasons, each can be addressed with the right actions. . * Problem : Low motivation, * caused by : Perceived low likelihood of achieving Esteem (on Maslow’s hierarchy) * caused by : lack of communication about tasks. * Classified as : Broken psychological contract If we can determine the cause for the broken contract, we may be able to restore Tom’s motivation to work hard. Also relevant is the Job Characteristic Model from Hackman and Oldham cited by The Open University (2012) which lists five core job characteristics that contribute to satisfying work. If Tom’s work is missing any of the core characteristics his attitude to his job could be affected. Figure [ 2 ]. Hackman Oldham JCM The lack of regular communication between Tom and his manager suggests that there is insufficient â€Å"Feedback from the Job†. B120, Book 2, Study session 4, highlights the importance of â€Å"Constructive feedback†, which â€Å"involves praising strengths and achievements†. Arranging another person to chair project meetings could also mean that â€Å"Task Identity† was not clear. To solve these items, Tom’s manager should take the following actions: * clarify Tom’s role and tasks within the project * Provide regular opportunities for feedback and communication, including praise of achievements when applicable. * Publicise Tom’s contributions to raise his profile in the senior management team and allow development of his career. Relevant Web sites (accessed 28-Nov-2012) This shows how a successful company has used Maslow’s hierarchy and Herzbergs two factor theory to try to keep employee motivation high. Herzberg could be summarised as â€Å"If you want people to do a good job for you, then you must give them a good job to do.† The Times is a reputable publisher which lends credence to this site, but this is a case study utilising the theories in this report, and not and original source. (accessed 28-Nov-2012) This site was chosen because it contains some interesting definitions of motivation factors, and summarises a collection of different theories on analysing motivation in employees. The information is not verified but some theories corroborate with other sources. References The Open University (2012) B120 An introduction to business studies, Book 2 ‘An introduction to human resource management in business’, Milton Keynes. Web source 1: dated unknown (accessed 28-Nov-2012) Web source 2: dated unknown (accessed 28-Nov-2012)

Monday, October 14, 2019

Firm survival

Firm survival 1. INTRODUCTION During a recent period of time, the topic of firm survival has received increasing academic attention and many of the studies have focused on its determinants. It is well known that entrepreneurial small businesses contribute to the creation of the new jobs and innovations that helps to develop the economy and reduce the poverty. Some firms survive for considerably longer periods while others do not. The purpose of this paper is to discover research findings that are related to either the survival or death of young firms. Starting a business and operating successfully is subject to uncertainty and requires resources and capabilities which is not available for everyone. Government takes action to reduce unemployment by encouraging new venture start-ups. The problem with new businesses is that there is a high possibility of failure. Subsequently, majority of young firms leave the market relatively soon after entering. It is therefore relevant to determine and understand the factors that have an impact on firm survival, as it is the widely used performance measure of the businesses. The next part of the paper is concerned with the firm-based characteristics of fast growing firms. The observations are based on the UK and US comparative study of fast growing enterprises which were conducted in 2008. ‘Business growth is typically defined and measured, using absolute or relative changes in sales, assets, employment, productivity, profits and profit margins (Blackburn et al. 2008). There is no generally accepted definition of fast growth firms, however it is most often defined in terms of having high sales growth rate. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides a review of the literature. In Section 3 differences in firm-based factors between fast growth firms and all other small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are discussed. Section 4 provides conclusion. FIRM SURVIVAL DETERMINANTS Large number of research papers on young firm survival focus on the person specific characteristics such as prior experience, education and motivation for success of the founder of the firm and business specific characteristics as industry, location, age and size of the company. In addition, Van Gelderen, Thurik and Bosma (2006) summarized that ‘start-up efforts differ in terms of the characteristics of the individuals who start the venture, the organization that they create, the environment surrounding the new venture, and the process by which the new venture is started. 2.1 Person Specific Characteristics In research report by Shane and Venkataraman (2000), it is suggested that success of the business could depend on the founders personality attributes or as Shane (2000) noted on the education of the entrepreneur and prior knowledge. Moreover, experienced founders of the young firm are more likely to take right strategic decisions than the ones with no prior experience. These determinants are considered as being essential for the better performance and decrease the probability of death of the firm. Arribas and Vila (2007) suggested that entrepreneurs human capital is a key determinant of the firms survival. Moreover, they came to a conclusion that the larger the number of entrepreneurs founding the company, the higher will be the chances of survival. One interesting feature to note about human capital stock is that initial larger human capital will add value to the firm and decrease the probability of death but the subsequent changes in human capital will have little impact on the firm survival (Geroski, Mata and Portugal, 2007). On the one hand, researchers argue that the human capital relevant to increasing the chances of survival are measured by the prior knowledge of the entrepreneur, level of education, experience in doing business in that industry and the entrepreneurs motivation for prosperity. On the other hand, others contend that the personal determinants are not that influential on the firms survival or death (Wicker and King 1989). Nevertheless, the education of the founder may not have a specific impact on the firms survival or death, but the knowledge gained by learning and working in the specific industry will influence the way how the entrepreneur responds to the challenges of doing business. 2.2 Business Specific Characteristics: industry sector, location, age and size The survival performance of entrepreneurs varies across industrial sectors, as some industries decline, while others expand. ‘There is a negative relationship between industry growth and firm survival, because growing industries are in earlier stages of the industry life cycle when requirements of adjusting to a changing environment, therefore leading to greater risk of failure (Strotmann, 2007). In contrast, there is a positive relationship between the firm survival and industry relevant experience, because it influences entrepreneurs ability to successfully launch the business and compete within that industry. Here, the point is that entrepreneurs with experience in the same industry as their current business will have a more network of industry suppliers and partners and will have a better understanding of the challenges of the industries in which they are going start a business. According to Fertala (2007) not much of attention was given to the regional differences as a determinant of firms survival or failure. Choosing the appropriate location also has an impact on the business processes. The reason why the location plays an important role in the firms survival or failure is that different regions offer different resources for the company and the cultural environment varies across countries. According to the study, entrepreneurs operate their business close to the place where they live (Mueller and Morgan, 1962). Empirical evidence suggests that locating the firm closer to the suppliers, customers and business partners increases the probability of survival. In addition, Strotmann (2007) contends that the risk of firm death is 30% more in urban areas compared to rural regions. The reason for this might be the high level of salaries and intense competition in urban areas. Fontana et al. (2009) stated that ‘coefficients for age at entry and size are all negative and significant, indicating that bigger firms, endowed with better availability of financial capital have a relatively higher probability of surviving. There are number of reasons for this to be the case. Firstly, large firms have an advantage over a small firm in a way that it has more access to finance, e.g. stock markets and debt financing. Moreover, large firms are more diversified than small firms, therefore they have less risk of failure. Falck (2007) summarised that the size of the firm is the best indicator of failure at the firm level and considered to be an overall measure of access to human capital and financial resources. In addition, Shane and Foo (1999) suggested that greater age will increase the probability of survival. This is not surprising, as the studies show that the most of the businesses fail in the early years of their operations. 3. FAST GROWTH FIRMS Barringer, Jones and Neubaum (2004) wrote that there is a limited knowledge on what determinants influence the firm growth. Authors gave a definition of fast growth firms as ‘firms with a 3-year compound annual sales growth rate of 80% or above (Barringer, Jones and Neubaum, 2004). Smallbone, Leigh and North (1995) compared 70 high growth firms with the other 236 surviving companies. Authors assessed these high growth firms on the basis of the following criteria: ‘(1) Rapid growth: i.e. more than doubling sales turnover in real terms over the 1979-90 periods. (2) Significant size: i.e. reaching a minimum sales turnover of  £0.5m. (3) Financial stability: i.e. consistent profitability in the late 1980s (Smallbone et al. 1995). The interesting feature that the authors noted is that fast growth can be attained by the firms with different size, age and industry characteristics. According to this study, the factors that differentiate high growth firms from other SMEs are that best performing firms are paying more attention to their products and markets by investing in RD, focusing on growth through their mission and strategies, opening to new markets and taking strategic decisions that will make the firm more competitive. Similarly, another study conducted i n 2008, compares the growth challenges of UK and US firms proves that, product and market development are key determinants of growth in both countries (Blackburn et al. 2008). Moreover, the study investigates that US firms were able to achieve the targeted growth by operating in US market; in contrast UK firms were involved in exporting to achieve growth. Subsequently, UK firms are subject to expansion barriers compared to US firms, however UK firms are more diversified and have higher survival probabilities in case of economic downturn. In addition, fast growth firms have a stronger commitment to growth and deeper level of customer knowledge than the firms with low performance indicators (Blackburn et al. 2008). Furthermore, authors observe that product innovation is a key determinant of firms growth. They came to that conclusion by interviewing UK and US business owners who reported that product innovation is a primary motivation for new venture start-up. Finally, Sapienza, Autio and Zahra (2003) argue that internationalization increases young firms probability of failure but at the same time increases prospects for growth. Entering the international market is often costly and firm may not survive after doing business in a foreign country. Moreover, it was observed that starting to operate internationally soon after entering the market is very risky. However, some firms decide to internationalize in their first years of their operations in order not to lose the available opportunity (Sapienza, Autio and Zahra, 2003). Finally, the study shows that some entrepreneurs consider failing in one or more start-ups as an experience before succeeding in their business. 4. CONCLUSION Overall, the results of the studies show that entrepreneurs experience, education level, firm location, age, and size of the firm are vital determinants of firm survival. The empirical evidence suggests that while both individual and business characteristics shape young firm survival within the first years after entry, in the long term, business factor such as firm size, which is measured by financial and human capital have little effect on the probability of survival, while other factors still have a considerable impact on the firms performance. By investigating the factors that lead the firms to grow rapidly, researchers can help all firms better understand the determinants associated with firm growth. The result obtained here is that fast growth firms attributes of success which discriminates them from other SMEs are successful RD investments, product innovation, and focusing on growth through their mission and strategies. Taken as a whole, achieving fast growth is a task of management, similar to the other entrepreneurial challenges that they face. Finally, there is a negative relationship between firm survival and internationalization. However, internationalization opens opportunities for growth for businesses and it is the choice of entrepreneurs to enter or not the international market at the early years of their new venture operations in accordance with the opportunities they have.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Jungle :: essays research papers

The Jungle, a novel by Upton Sinclair, contained many unique characters which were used as color for this story. The character of Jurgis Rudkis was the strong central character that the author developed as the cornerstone of this novel. The story was based on the life Rudkis led in the town of Packington. The remaining characters in the story merely made appearances, and aided in the tale of Jurgis’s experiences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mr. Rudkis, originally from Lithuania, was a strong, overpowering person. His initial appearance was during his wedding day in Packington. The celebration was delayed because of his family’s desire to provide Jurgis and his bride with a wedding feast. This problem was happily solved and he eventually worked at various positions in the town. Jurgis, someone who believes in the value of hard work, was naà ¯ve in thinking that anything can be accomplished through the application of it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jurgis was forced to send his family to work in order to survive. He was horrified to discover how the meat packers, where he worked, took advantage of their employees. The workers at the plant had no benefits, worked long hours, and were paid poor wages. Jurgis decided to join a Union and took a stand on the issues with some other family members. For the first time in his life, he saw the corruption of a town and it’s employers. His solution to most problems, â€Å"I will work harder†, no longer sustained him. He had believed hard work could conquer all, but found that it could not beat the corruption that spread like a cancer in this town.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jurgis soon becomes injured at the plant and bed-ridden. Ironically, this was also a special time for him. He finally got to know his son and spent quality time with him. It was also a time of depression for Jurgis. He deteriorated and became a wreck of his old self. Eventually, he returned for work. He was arrested for beating Ona’s boss, who raped her. His family, so important to him, fell apart. Most things that he worked so hard for were lost. His wife and two children died.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jurgis reacted to his tragedies by living like a tramp. He turned to drink and the life of a beggar, landing in jail again. A life of crime in politics and theft followed. Jurgis could have risen to the top with the crooked life, but met Ona’s rapist again and was arrested.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Cyberpunk Definitional Paper -- Science Fiction Definition Essays Pape

Cyberpunk Definitional Paper In the late 1970's and early '80's and new type of writing style came about that relied on many of the traditional criteria to be called science fiction, but had a certain something else that had many people agreeing that it was not just science fiction. This new style of writing was so different and so many people started writing in this style that the general public decided that it was time this genre of writing deserved a label: cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is not an easy group of writing to define on paper, but it is easy to spot when one is reading it. The cyberpunk writing movement started out with many short stories then became recognizable to the masses with probably the movements most successful novel, entitled Neuromancer. William Gibson's novel was the first major work to get recognized from this category, it seemed to set the precedence of what cyberpunk included, and what a piece of writing needed to have to get labeled cyberpunk. Cyberpunk does not define the works that are in it, rather, the works define what cyberpunk consists of. Since William Gibson's Neuromancer was one of the first to be recognized as cyberpunk, the genre can be easily defined by the aspects set forth in his novel. Neuromancer was clearly sci-fi, but it included many points that typical sci-fi had never dealt with: this is what cyberpunk can be defined by. Bruce sterling said in the preface to his anthology Mirrorshades "it's possible to make broad statements about cyberpunk and to establish its identifying traits"(ix), and all of them are exemplified in Neuromancer. One of the most distinctive features of cyberpunk is the technological aspect. Traditional science fiction dealt with things that were possible, bu... ...roup, but it is even harder to define since it is considered to be within the larger group of science fiction. Cyberpunk has almost become a way out for critics to define these writers. These writers are science fiction, but since they do not always deal with the values and ideas brought forth by the "traditional" science fiction writers, the critic will pass it off as being cyberpunk. While the label cyberpunk will take these works, the label itself grows and changes with every work that is added, making cyberpunk a broader, more open category and harder to define. Cyberpunk does however hold on to its original values that include what can be considered a human factor to set itself apart from "traditional" science fiction. Works Cited Gibson, William. Neuromancer. New York: Ace Publishing, 1984. Serling, Bruce. Mirrorshades. New York: Ace Publishing, 1986.